One Englishman and one Aussie get together to navigate the wonderfully grim dark hobby of Warhammer 40k. We focus on the creative process and want to help inspire you to do something different (or not). Feel free to reach out to us and follow us on: Instagram - hobbyhappyhour Also feel free to support us financially... Patreon - www.patreon.com/Hobbyhappyhour

Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Episode 33 - Misc No#4 - ”New Releases”
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
The lads discuss the latest releases and their thoughts and feelings.
In today's they'll be chatting about the "Squats", contrast paints, the new chaos cultists and daemons and 'hopefully' what they're hoping to see in the not too distant future.
Tune in to hear the latest and if you'd like to tell us how you feel find us over at:
Instagram - hobbyhappyhour
Email - thehobbyhappyhour@gmail.com
As always all views and opinions are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
Any views and opinions held by any and all guests are purely their own and not representative of the HHH family or its hosts.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or it's affiliates.

Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Episode 32 - Adeptus Mechanicus
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Another cheeky look into one of warhammer 40k's factions and Jono's personal "favourite".
Bob tries to turn Jono to the side of the mechanicus and the glory of the Omnissiah and goes into a little detail of how you can maybe do something a little bit different.
As always, things spiral rapidly out of control with the mention of a famous German electropop band.
Find us at linktr.ee/hobbyhappyhour
As always all views and opinions are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
Any views and opinions held by any and all guests are purely their own and not representative of the HHH family or its hosts.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or it's affiliates.

Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Episode 31 - Inspiration Pt 2
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Join the lads as they revisit "inspiration" with their good friend Matty C.
Bob talks about his newest GSC army and some of the inspiration behind it and the three have a chat about criticism and how to handle it and when to give it.
Matt talks about his inspiration and Jono talks about his own chaos warband and his enthralling game of solitaire, followed by a jaunty tune.
Find us at linktr.ee/hobbyhappyhour
As always all views and opinions are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
Any views and opinions held by any and all guests are purely their own and not representative of the HHH family or its hosts.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or it's affiliates.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Episode 30 - Painting Styles
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
The lads cover some of the more widely recognised painting "styles" within the Warhammer 40k and miniature painting world.
Blanchitsu, Eavy Metal, Cell Shading, Grim Dark, the boys try to use their words to express their thoughts and approaches to these differing styles in between the traditional segues.
All thoughts and opinions expressed within this episode are solely the host's and are not representative of the "Hobby Happy Hour" family. In fact it is also likely that the thoughts and opinions of the host's have altered since recording and will likely alter again in the not too distant future.
Also, another friendly reminder that HHH is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop.

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Episode 29 - Misc No#3 - ”Ramble On”
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Following on from Bob's violent outburst towards Steve from legal and a general falling out with the writing department, Bob and Jono go solo, scriptless, and uncensored.
They talk about what they've been up to in the hobby and discuss their opinions on some painting styles, how they approach various aspects of the hobby and a vague discussion around the golden daemon awards.
All thoughts and opinions expressed within this episode are solely the host's and are not representative of the "Hobby Happy Hour" family. In fact it is also likely that the thoughts and opinions of the host's have altered since recording and will likely alter again in the not too distant future.
Also, another friendly reminder that HHH is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop.

Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Bonus Episode 4 - Bob’s Story Corner 2a
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
In today's bonus episode Bob goes solo and does a dramatic reading of one his first bits of lore ever written.
The Unification of Malice - Part 1
The 1st part of Bob's story of the Sons of Malice, they leader Kathal and their goal to set the universe aflame.
We are not affiliated with or supported by GW and the following story is purely a work of fan fiction.

Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Episode 28 - Squats
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
With the new announcement of the "League of Votann" the lads round of where we stand in terms of "Squats", what they think is going to come off the back of this and how that makes them feel.
They also talk about how you could make your own squat army/warband/killteam with the lore as it stands and Bob talks through his own personal squat gue'vesa "thing".
Find us at linktr.ee/hobbyhappyhour
As always all views and opinions are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or it's affiliates.

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Episode 27 - Kitbashing, Conversions and Creativity
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
In the latest episode the lads navigate the tricky topic of kitbashing within the wonderul world of warhammer 40k, the art of following your heart and going against the intended construction template.
They go through some of their own individual approaches, what works for them, what doesn't work and some helpful tips to keep things "GW safe". A reminder, however, that the Hobby Happy Hour is not officially endorsed by Games Workshop and all opinions given are our own.