One Englishman and one Aussie get together to navigate the wonderfully grim dark hobby of Warhammer 40k. We focus on the creative process and want to help inspire you to do something different (or not). Feel free to reach out to us and follow us on: Instagram - hobbyhappyhour Also feel free to support us financially... Patreon - www.patreon.com/Hobbyhappyhour

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Happy Hour - #2 Glenn
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Welcome to our 2nd Happy Hour where we catch up with one of our top patreon supporters (and our first ever Australian guest!).
We have a casual chat about the hobby which is Warhammer 40k and get to know our good buddy Glenn a little better!
If you'd like to know more about how you can get in touch and enjoy some brilliant discounts on hobby products from our friends at Element Games head on over to our link tree.
Find us at linktr.ee/hobbyhappyhour
As always, all views and opinions expressed are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
Any views and opinions expressed or held by any and all guests are purely their own and not representative of the HHH family or its hosts.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or its affiliates.

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Episode 38 - Lorehammer - Erik
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
In the latest episode Bob and Jono delve into the world of podcasting and the wonderful world of Lorehammer with one of its hosts, Erik.
They have a good natter about this and that, share some helpful podcasting tips and a little glimpse behind the curtain.
Also, talking lore and a little teaser of how you can take a tiny idea and with a little back and forth iron out some really awesome concepts!
If you'd like to know more about how you can get in touch and enjoy some brilliant discounts on hobby products from our friends at Element Games head on over to our link tree.
Find us at linktr.ee/hobbyhappyhour
As always, all views and opinions expressed are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
Any views and opinions expressed or held by any and all guests are purely their own and not representative of the HHH family or its hosts.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or its affiliates.

Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Happy Hour - #1 James
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Welcome to the very first Happy Hour where Bob and Jono join one of our top patreon supporters.
In today's episode we are joined by James and we get to chat about his experiences in the hobby, his hobby journey and what he loves most about Warhammer 40k.
As always, we all get a little side-tracked and Bob talks a little about our shiny new relationship with the good people at Element Games.
If you'd like to know more about how you can get in touch and enjoy some brilliant discounts on hobby products head on over to our link tree.
Find us at linktr.ee/hobbyhappyhour
As always, all views and opinions expressed are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
Any views and opinions expressed or held by any and all guests are purely their own and not representative of the HHH family or its hosts.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or its affiliates.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Episode 37 - Knight Houses
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Welcome back to another episode where the lads discuss the intricacies of knight houses and the various types of knights.
This descends rapidly into nonsense as they try to go into detail around the various weapon load outs and what differentiates the different patterns.
Find us at linktr.ee/hobbyhappyhour
As always all views and opinions are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
Any views and opinions held by any and all guests are purely their own and not representative of the HHH family or its hosts.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or its affiliates.

Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Bonus Episode 5 - Mental Health
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
WARNING - This episode contains serious topics and content that some may find upsetting.
In today's episode the lads tackle a serious subject and take a minute to talk about something close to their hearts and relevant to the hobbying community.
Mental health.
Although it's been discussed on previous episodes, Bob and Jono talk about their own experiences and struggles to help normalize talking about our mental health more openly.
If you are affected by anything covered in today's episode help and support can be found:
United Kingdom:
Mental health - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Mental health helplines | healthdirect
Mental Health America | Homepage | Mental Health America (mhanational.org)
Mental health support: get help - Canada.ca

Monday Aug 29, 2022
Episode 36 - Shades and Dry Brushing
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
In the latest episode the lads discuss shades and dry brushing.
What are they? How do you do it? Why is it important?
Disagreements are had over the best approach to dry brushing showing there is no single approach to achieving the results you're looking for.
This disagreement is, of course, handled calmly and professionally and does not descend into anarchy very rapidly.
Find us at linktr.ee/hobbyhappyhour
As always all views and opinions are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
Any views and opinions held by any and all guests are purely their own and not representative of the HHH family or its hosts.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or it's affiliates.

Friday Aug 19, 2022
Episode 35 - Misc No#4a - ”New Releases Pt 2”
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
In today's episode the lads talk a little more about some of the new releases GW has been pumping out! So many!
Bob talks a little more about some of his ongoing projects and Jono shares his thoughts on what he's got planned out for the rest of 2022.
Things derail quite rapidly with the lack of guidance following the recent HHH writers strike. The union has been brought in to calm them down and regular quality content will return shortly
Find us at linktr.ee/hobbyhappyhour
As always all views and opinions are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
Any views and opinions held by any and all guests are purely their own and not representative of the HHH family or its hosts.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or it's affiliates.

Saturday Jul 30, 2022
Episode 34 - Adepta Sororitas
Saturday Jul 30, 2022
Saturday Jul 30, 2022
In this episode Bob and Jono talk about the Adetpa Sororitas, including (but not limited to) the Sisters of Battle, Sisters Hospitaller, Sisters Dialogus, Sisters Famulous and the mysterious sisters of the Order Fenestrus...
They talk a little bit about each of the main orders within the sisters of battle and go on to talk about chaos sisters of battle and other weird and wonderful things to inspire you to do something a little different.
As always, trying to keep things within the constraints of the warhammer 40k universe.
Find us at linktr.ee/hobbyhappyhour
As always all views and opinions are purely the views of Hobby Happy Hour and their hosts Bob and Jono.
Any views and opinions held by any and all guests are purely their own and not representative of the HHH family or its hosts.
We are not sponsored or endorsed by Games Workshop or it's affiliates.